讲座题目:Development of TRIMEG code, Full-f and delta-f electromagnetic gyrokinetic particle simulations in tokamaks
主 讲 人 :卢志鑫
主讲人简介:卢志鑫,德国马克斯普朗克等离子体物理研究所, Staff Scientist。于2008、2013年获北京大学学士、博士学位。加州大学圣迭戈分校(UCSD)博士后(与普林斯顿等离子体物理实验室(PPPL)联合)。2016年在德国马克斯-普朗克等离子体物理研究所从事博士后并于2019年成为Staff Scientist。自2012年以来发表文章33篇(一作或通讯18篇),参与欧洲EuroFusion enabling项目NLED, MET(快粒子物理相关),以及模拟与理论项目TSVV8(磁流体瞬变集成模型),TSVV10(快粒子与阿尔芬波动理学模拟)等。为TRIMEG/GKX代码开发者、负责人。与慕尼黑工大、中国科学技术大学等合作指导学生3人。
TRIMEG code has been developed in recent years, adopting triangular meshes, finite element method, gyrokinetic electromagnetic model with kinetic electrons. The full f gyrokinetic simulations have attracted intensive efforts recently due to its applications to transport studies and edge physics. We implemented the mixed variables and pullback scheme regarding Alfvén waves and energetic particle (EP) physics. The δf and full f schemes are formulated, enabling the simulations with a small electron skin depth. Good agreement with previous work is obtained. Simulations with mixed full f EPs and δf background species demonstrate the good features in reducing the noise. In full f model, constants of motion are implemented proper description of EPs. The full f scheme is a natural choice for EP physics studies, allowing large variations of EP profiles and distributions in velocity space, providing a powerful tool for studies of intermittent and transient plasma activities.